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Wang Cuntong


Curriculum Vitae of Cuntong WANG

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. & Professor

Department of Sociology, School of Social Development

Central University of Finance and Economics

39 South College Road, Haidian District     

Beijing, P. R. China 100081     




2009- Professor, Department of Sociology, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China.

2014-2015 Associate Professor & Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.


2014-2015 Postdoctoral Researcher. Demography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Study Area: Population Health and Social Quantitative Research

2005-2009 Ph.D. Demography, Peking University (Collaborated with University of Michigan)

Study Area: Population Health and Social Quantitative Research


Population Health; Economic Demography; Health Economics; Family Sociology; Social Statistics and Econometrics; Big Data Analysis


Population, Health, and Society; Population and Economics; Health and Economics; Marital and Family Dynamics; Policy Evaluation; Sexual and Reproductive Health; Social Quantitative and Econometric Analysis; Big Data Analysis in Health

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (*Corresponding author)

Selected Peer-reviewed Papers in English

Chen, Futing, Wang, Cuntong*, & WangDing, Yi. (2024). The Interplay of Sibling Sex Composition, Son Preference, and Child Education in China: Evidence from the One-Child Policy. Population Research and Policy Review43(65), 3-32. (SSCI)

Wu, Aihui., & Wang, Cuntong*. (2024). Maternal self-employment: Empowering children’s human capital in contemporary China. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 1-16. (SSCI)

Wu, Aihui, & Wang, Cuntong. (2024). Improving Family Development Ability: The Treatment Effect of Family Savings: Empirical Evidence From a Generalized Propensity Score Matching Approach. SAGE Open14(3),1-21. (SSCI)

Wu, Aihui, Wang, Cuntong*, & Zhu, Ruoyuan. (2024). The ripple effect: Unpacking the impact of early educational disruptions on rural migrant children’s learning in China. The British Journal of Social Work, bcae141. (SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong*, & WangDing, Yi. (2024). A meta‐analysis of Chinese men's penile size in a global context. Andrology. (SCI)

Wang, Cuntong*, & WangDing, Yi. (2024). Penile length and intelligence quotient: A cross-sectional analysis in 139 countries. Andrology: Open Access, 13(4): 1-7. 1000324

Chen, Zhenxi & Wang, Cuntong. (2022). Effects of intervention policies on speculation in housing market: Evidence from China. Journal of Management Science and Engineering. 7(2), 233-242. (SSCI)

Zhang, Yudong, Wang, Cuntong & Liang, Mengyuan. (2022). A Latent Class Analysis of Sexual Behavior and Associations with Sex Education, Smoking, Drinking, and Pornography Use Among Chinese Youth. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 51, 1351–1361. (SSCI)

Chen, Zhenxi & Wang, Cuntong. (2020). Speculative trading in Chinese housing market: a panel regression method. Applied Economics. 52:38, 4186-4195. (SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong* & Liao, Tim Futing. (2019). State policy and contraceptive choices: evidence from China 1979–2012. Asian Population Studies, 15(1), 47-65. (SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong* & Li, Min. (2018). Gender Differences in Employment Among People With Disabilities in China. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 29(1), 12-21. (SSCI).

Liao, Tim Futing & Wang, Cuntong*. (2018). The Changing Face of Money: Forging Collective Memory with Chinese Banknotes Designs. The China Review. 18(2): 87-119. (SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong (2017). The Impact of the State’s Abortion Policy on Induced Abortion among Married Women in China: A Mixed Methods Study (in English). Chinese Sociological Review. 49(4): 316-339. (SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong* & Zhang, Yudong. (2017). Schizophrenia in Mid-Adulthood after Prenatal Exposure to the Chinese Famine of 1959-1961. Schizophrenia Research. 184: 21-25. (SSCI & SCI)

Wang, Cuntong* & Zhang, Yudong. (2017). Season of Birth and Schizophrenia: Evidence from China. Psychiatry Research. 253: 189-196. (SSCI & SCI)

Li, Min & Wang, Cuntong*. (2017). The Association Between the New Rural Cooperative Medical System and Healthcare Seeking Behavior Among Middle-Aged and Older Chinese. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. 29(2): 168-181. (SCI)

Liao, Tim Futing & Wang, Cuntong. (2016). Permanently ER: Inequality in Access to Hospitalization among the Chinese Urban Elderly. Global Public Health. 10: 1-16. (SSCI & SCI)

Wang, Cuntong. (2015). Contraceptive Practice in China: 1970-2004. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27(2): 1085-1092. (SCI & SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong. (2014). Induced Abortion Patterns and Determinants among Married Women in China: 1979 to 2010. Reproductive Health Matters , 22(43): 159–168. (SCI & SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong. (2012). Trends in Contraceptive Use and Determinates of Choice in China 1980-2010. Contraception, 85(6): 570-579. (SCI & SSCI)

Wang, Cuntong. (2012). History of the Chinese Contraception in Family Planning Program 1970-2010. Contraception, 85(6): 563-569. (SCI & SSCI)

Zhang, Jie & Wang, Cuntong. (2012). Factors in Neighborhood as Risks of Suicide in Rural China: A Multilevel Analysis. Community Mental Health, 48: 627-633. (SCI & SSCI)

Zhang, Jie, Sun, Weiwei, Kong, Yuanyuan, and Wang, Cuntong. (2012). Reliability and Validity of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in 2 Special Adult Samples from Rural China. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 53: 1243-1251. (SCI)

Selected Peer-reviewed Papers in Chinese

Wang, Cuntong*, Chen, Futing, WangDing, Yi. (2025). Extension and Application of Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE): Instrumental Variables Methods under a Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Framework (局部平均干预效应(LATE)理论的扩展与应用 ——基于异质效应框架的工具变量法). Forthcoming in Sociological Review.

Wang, Cuntong, Han, Tingting, Zhang, Jie. (2022). Analysis of External Protective Factors for Suicidal Ideation Among College Students (大学生自杀意念的外在保护因素分析). Chinese Journal of Mental Health, 36(3): 243-247.

Wang, Haigang, Zhao, Zhiwen, Wang, Cuntong, & Yuan, Jinqiu. (2021). Research on Population Growth in Xikangdege. Studies in Chinese Economic History (西康德格人口增长研究), (3): 118-136.

Wang, Cuntong. (2021). Association Analysis between Adult Penile Length and IQ: Measurements from 139 Countries (成人阴茎长度与IQ的关联分析——来自139个国家的测量). Chinese Journal of Sexology, (9): 145-149.

Wang, Cuntong. (2020). Systematic Analysis and Comparative Study of Adult Penile Length and Girth in China and Abroad (国内外成人阴茎长度及周长的系统分析与比较研究). Chinese Journal of Sexology, (9): 143-148.

Xia, Qi, Wang, Cuntong. (2018). Relational and Institutional Embedding in Corporate Debt Financing: Empirical Study Based on Listed Companies in Beijing A-share Market (企业债务融资中的关系性嵌入和制度性嵌入——基于北京市A股上市公司的经验研究). Social Development Research, (4): 105-126.

Ding, Ying, Wang, Cuntong. (2017). Mobility and Solidification: An Analysis of Intergenerational Occupational Status Transmission in China (流动与固化:我国代际职业地位传递分析). Contemporary Finance & Economics, (2): 3-11.

Wang, Cuntong & Zang, Pengyun. (2016). An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Retirement on Health in China (退休影响健康吗?—一种社会学实证研究的视角). Population & Development, 22(1): 11-18+10.

Wang, Cuntong & Long, Shuyong. (2016). Ability or Family Background? An Analysis on the Achievement of Individual Occupational Status in Contemporary China (能力与出身:个体职业地位获得的机制分析). Jianghuai Tribune, (2): 132-137+157.

Wang, Cuntong. (2014). Sociological Empirical Research on Chinese Induced Abortion: 1979-2012 (中国人工流产的社会学实证研究💝:1979 ~ 2012). Social Sciences in China, (10): 62-78.

Wang, Cuntong. (2014). When National Will Encounters Individual Needs: Family Planning and Contraceptive Decision-Making (当国家意志与个体诉求相遇:计划生育与避孕选择). Population & Development, 20(4): 96-108.

Wang, Cuntong & Yu, Jiao. (2013). The "Glass Ceiling" Effect: An Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences in Career Advancement among Chinese Women. (“玻璃天花板”效应:职业晋升中的性别差异). Collection of Women’s Studies, (6): 21-27.

Wang, Cuntong & Yu, Jiao. (2013). An Empirical Study on Satisfaction in Chinese Marriages (中国婚姻满意度水平及影响因素的实证分析). Collection of Women’s Studies, 2013, (1): 25-32

Wang, Cuntong. (2012). An Evaluation of the Effects of the Client-centered Contraceptive Policy of Informed Choice by Fixed Effect Modeling (固定效应模型对知情选择影响的再验证―以已婚育龄个体避孕措施选择的变化为例). South China Population, 27 (2): 1-6.

Zhang, Jie, Jing, Jun, Wu, Xueya, Sun, Weiwei, and Wang, Cuntong. (2011). A Sociological Study of the Reduction in Chinese Suicide Rates (中国自杀率下降趋势的社会学分析). Social Sciences in China, (5): 56-77.

Xia, Changqi & Wang, Cuntong. (2011). In What We Believe: An Empirical Study on the Paranormal Beliefs in Contemporary China (当代中国超常信仰的经验研究—兼论中国宗教的内容与格局). Sociological Studies, (5): 32-40.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Investigation of Population Health Promotion in Peasants and Herdsmen in Tibet (藏区农牧民人口健康促进的实地研究—来自西藏自治区昌都地区的调查). Chinese Journal of Population Science, (1): 85-92.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Rethinking about T.R. Malthus (再论马尔萨斯). Chinese Journal of Population Science, (1): 86-94

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Chinese Mode on Contraception: National  Mobilization, Individual Towards and Collectivity compliance (避孕行为的“中国模式”: 国家运动、个体趋同与集体服从). Thinking (SiXiangZhanXian), (1): 37-41.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). An Empirical Study on Love Identification and Choice in Contemporary College Students (当代在校大学生恋爱认同及行为选择的实证研究). Youth Studies, (3): 22-30.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Contaceptive Practice under Chinese Family Planning 1970-2010 (中国计划生育下的避孕节育: 1970~2010). Academia Bimestris (XueHai), (2): 17-22.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). The Effects of Client-Centred Contraceptive Policy of Informed Choice for Contraceptive Practice in China (知情选择对中国避孕行为的影响分析). Population and Development, (3): 44-49.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Investigation of Reproductive Health in Peasants and Herdsmen in Tibet (藏区农牧民生殖健康服务现状考察—基于西藏昌都三县的实地调研). Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management, (3): 17-25.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). A Test of the Impacts of the Client-centred Contraceptive Policy of Informed Choice on Induced Abortion in China (知情选择对人工流产影响的验证). South China Population, 26(1): 7-13.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Investigation and Analysis on Interest-Oriented Policy of Family Planning in China (我国计划生育利益导向机制现状调查与思考). Northwest Population Journal, (3): 112-116.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Interpretation on Chinese Mode on Contraception (避孕“中国模式”解读). Population and Family Planning, (5): 31-33.

Wang, Cuntong. (2010). Zero-inflated Poisson / Negative Binomial Modeling for Sociologists: Based on the Analysis of Induced Abortion in China (零膨胀模型在社会科学实证研究中的应用——以中国人工流产影响因素的分析为例). Sociological Studies, (5): 130-148.

Wang, Cuntong. (2010). The Effects of the Client-Centered Police of Informed Choice of Contraceptives for Induced Abortion in China (避孕知情选择对中国人工流产的影响分析). Population and Development, (3): 17-26.

Qiao, Xiaochun & Wang, Cuntong. (2010). Review on 2010 Census: Challenges and Strategies (2010年人口普查: 挑战与对策研讨会综述), Population and Development, (1): 75-78.

Wang, Cuntong. (2009). Sex Preference and Determinants of Contraceptive Practice in Married Couples of Reproductive Age in China (中国已婚育龄人群避孕选择的性别偏好与影响因素分析). Population and Development, (1): 48-59.

Wang, Cuntong. (2008). Readdress to Population Principles of T. R. Malthus (再论马尔萨斯的人口理论). Chinese Social Science Digest, 10: 22-27.

Wang, Cuntong. (2008). Defence for T. R. Malthus (为马尔萨斯辩护). Population and Development, (4s): 47-55.

Wang, Cuntong, Zheng, Xiaoying, & Chen, Gong. (2007). Trends of Contraceptive Behavior in China (我国已婚育龄人群避孕水平及避孕方法使用趋势). Population Journal, (4): 57-62.

Wang, Cuntong & Chen, Gong. (2007). The Standardization Management of the National Familly Planning Network (论人口计生网络的规范化管理). Population and Economics, (2): 26-29.

Wang, Cuntong. (2007). China Contraceptive Practice Patterns, Modes and Determinants of Marriaged Reproductive Women  (中国已婚育龄妇女避孕模式、水平及影响因素分析). Market and Demographic Analysis, (2s): 272-284.

Li, Chengfu, Wang, Cuntong, et al. (2007). Birth Defects Prevention and Control in Wuxi (无锡市出生缺陷预防的经验和模式). Chinese Journal of Family Planning, (5): 281-283.


Wang, Cuntong. Social Statistics with Stata Applications. (社会统计学及Stata应用), Economics Science Press, 2024.

[Download Data and Do files]

Wang, Cuntong. Advanced Social Statistics with Stata Applications (进阶社会统计学及Stata应用). Tsinghua University Press, 2025. In press.

Wang, Cuntong. From Linear Regression to Causal Inference (从线性回归走向因果推断). China Renmin University Press, 2025. In press.

Wang, Cuntong. Evidenced Based Research on Contracepitve in China (中国避孕节育实证研究). Chinese Population Publishing House, 2015.

Wang, Cuntong. Contracepitve Practice Under Chinese Family Planning (中国计划生育下的避孕节育研究). Economic Science Press, 2013.

Mu, Guangzong & Wang, Cuntong (eds.) Population Strategy for Panzhihua City (攀枝花人口发展战略研究). China Population Press, 2012.

Xie, Yu & Wang, Cuntong. Four Chapters in Regression Analysis (回归分析). Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011.

Qi, Daxun & Wang, Cuntong. Prevention Stategy for HIV/AIDS (应对艾滋病危机的公共管理与公共服务). In Zhang, Kaining (Eds.) Control and Prenvetion on HIV/AIDS in China. China Population Press, 2005.


2024-2027 Research Director. Topic: Promotion, Application, and Innovation of Advanced Causal Inference Methods and Techniques in Sociological Research (前沿因果推断方法与技术在社会学研究中的推广、应用与创新). Supported by Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China, Key Project: 24ASH003.

2021-2023 Research Director. Topic: From Linear Regression to Causal Inference (从线性回归到因果推断). Supported by Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China, Post-funding Key Project: 21FSHA003. (temporarily shelved)

2018-2023 Research Director. Topic: China Population and Family Policy Survey (中国人口与家庭政策调查). Supported by the National Health Commission.

2014-2018 Research Director. Topic: The Longitudinal Impact of Family Planning Policy on Induced Abortion: Evidence from China (中国计划生育政策对人工流产的影响研究). Supported by Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China: 14BRK025.

2013-2017 Research Director. Topic: Evidence Based Research on Induced Abortion in China: 1949-2012 (中国人工流产的社会学实证研究). Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, NCET, Ministry of Education of China: 13NCET001.

2013-2016 Research Director. Topic: The Application of Regression Analysis in Social Science (回归分析在社会科学中的应用). Supported by the Follow-up Funding Program of Ministry of Education of China: 13JHQ043.

2013-2016 Research Director. Topic: Econometric Evaluation on Chinese Birth Control (中国避孕节育的经济学分析与评价). Supported by the Program for Innovation Research in the Central University of Finance and Economics: 13CUFE001.

2010-2013 Research Director. Topic: Quantitative and Qualitative Research on Contraceptive Practice in China: 1960-2008 (中国避孕行为的定量与定性研究🌥:1960 - 2008). Supported by Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China: 10CRK012.

2010-2013  Co-Research Director. Topic: Research on Population Development and Population Policy in Macau (澳门人口发展与人口政策研究). Supported by Macau Government.

2010-2013 Co-Research Director. Panzhihua Population Strategy Research (攀枝花人口战略研究). Supported by National Population and Family Planning Commission.

2010-2011 Research Director. Empirical Research on Induced Abortions in China under the Discourse of Economic Transformation (经济转型话语下中国人工流产的实证研究). Supported by Ministry of Education's Key Project under the 211 Project.

2009-2013 Project Participant. Topic: National Comprehensive Reform Project on Population and Family Planning (国家人口计划生育综合改革项目). Supported by  the National Population and Family Planning Commission.

2009-2013 Sub-project Director. Topic: Research on the Trends of Population Aging and Development Strategies (人口老龄化态势与发展战略研究). Supported by the National Commission on Aging.

2008-2013 Co-Research Director. Topic: Study on the Compensation Mechanism for National Population and Family Planning Interests (国家人口计划生育利益补偿机制的研究). Supported by the National Population and Family Planning Commission.

2005-2009 Research Assistant, Peking University. Topic: The National Birth Defects Prevention and Control (中国人口出生缺陷的遗传和环境可控性研究). Supported by The Essential National 973 Project, 2001CB5103. Principal Investigator: Chinese Government. In charge of Sub-project, Topic: How to Reduce the Health Inequality and Econometrics Analysis of Birth Defects.

2007-2008 Research Assistant, Peking University. Topic: Promotion Population Health in China(国家人口健康风险研究). Supported by The Essential National 985 Project. Supported by Chinese Government.

2007-2008 Co-Research Director, Peking University. Topic: The Correlation of the Population, Economy and Social Development–Based on Xuanwu, Beijing (人口✍🏿、经济与社会发展的关系—以北京市宣武区为例).

2007-2008 Co-Research Director, Peking University. Topic: The Survey of the Reproductive Health on Married Couples of Xuanwu, Beijing (北京市已婚育龄人群生殖健康服务需求调查—以宣武区为例).

2006-2007 Research Director, Peking University. Topic: Mechanism for Collecting Social Maintenance Fees in Beijing - A Case Study of Xuanwu District (北京市征收社会抚养费机制的研究—以宣武区为例).

2006-2007 Research Assistant, Peking University. Topic: The Survey of the 2nd National Disability in China (全国第二次残疾人抽样调查). Supported by National Bureau of Statistics of the China Project.


2023-2026  Research Director. "Social Statistics and Stata Applications" awarded as a "14th Five-Year Plan" first-class undergraduate course by Central University of Finance and Economics.

2023-2026 Research Director. "Social Statistics" recognized as a "14th Five-Year Plan" undergraduate textbook project by Central University of Finance and Economics.

2022-2025 Research Director. "Exploration of 'Ideological and Political Education' Teaching Models in University Sex Education Courses" awarded as a 2022 Beijing Higher Education Undergraduate Teaching Reform and Innovation Project. Sample course: "Sexual and Reproductive Health for College Students".

2022-2025 Research Director. "Exploration of the 'Ideological and Political Education' Teaching Mode in University Sex Education Courses," funded by the 2022 Beijing Higher Education Undergraduate Teaching Reform and Innovation Project.

2022-2025 Research Directorr. "Causal Inference Methods and Techniques," approved for the Construction of Excellent Graduate Teaching Materials Project at Central University of Finance and Economics.

2018-2020 Research Director. "Advanced Social Quantitative Analysis" Online Open MOOC Course (2018 Central University of Finance and Economics Graduate Online Open Course Construction Project: ZXK201807).

2018-2020 Research Director. "Social Statistics" Online Open MOOC Course (2018 Central University of Finance and Economics Undergraduate Online Open Course Construction Project).

2016-2018 Research Director. "Advanced Social Quantitative Analysis" Course (2016 Central University of Finance and Economics Graduate High-quality Course Construction Project: 011550716008).

2017-2019 Research Director. "Social Statistics and Stata Application" Course (2017 Central University of Finance and Economics Undergraduate Experimental Project Construction Course: 011450717016).

2017-2019 Research Director. "Sexual and Reproductive Health of College Students" Course (2017 Central University of Finance and Economics General Education Core Course Construction Project: 011450717003).


For Undergraduate Students (at CUFE and Others from 2009):

Social Survey and Research Methods

Social Statistics

Statistical Software and Applications: SPSS & STATA

Sampling Surveys

Applied Linear Regression

Population Economics

Population Sociology

Introduction to Econometrics

Sexual and Reproductive Health of College Students

Health and Society

Medical Sociology

Social Stratification and Mobility

Gender Sociology

For Graduate Students  (at CUFE and Others from 2009):

Categorical Data Regression

Hierarchical Models and Applications

Survival Analysis/Social Event History Analysis

Structural Equation Modeling and Applications

Data Processing and Regression Analysis

Advanced Social Quantitative Analysis Methods

Application of Regression Analysis in Social Science

Advanced Econometrics and Advanced Social Quantitative Analysis

Advanced Population Analysis Techniques and Methods

Reading and Appreciation of Classic Quantitative Research Literature

Quantitative Research Paper Writing in Social Science

Social Stratification and Mobility

Empirical Research Paper and Writing


2010- Multilevel Modeling and Application (Summer Course on Social Science Methods, Peking University).

2012  Categorical Data Analysis (Summer Course on Social Science Methods, Peking University).

2017- Medical Management Data Analysis (Summer Course on Medical Research Methods, China Pharmaceutical University).

2018  Advanced Social Quantitative Analysis (Summer Course on Social Science Methods, Huazhong University of Science and Technology).

2020- Advanced Methodology of Quantitative Research (MOOC, Program of Web-Delivery for Elaborate Courses), founded by Central University of Finance and Economics.

2020- Social Statistics using Stata (MOOC, Program of Web-Delivery for Elaborate Courses), founded by Central University of Finance and Economics.


2011 Certification on Suicide Survey, International Association for the Prevention of Suicide (IASP).

2010 Certification on Advanced Quantitative Methods of Social Research, Survey Research Center (SRC), University of Michigan.

2010 Survey Methodology and Quantitative Analysis Laboratory (Three Months). University of Michigan.

Course 1: Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models.

Instructor: Robert M. Hauser.

Course 2: Statistical Analysis with Missing Data

Instructors: Roderick Little.

2009  Survey Methodology and Quantitative Analysis Laboratory (Three Months). University of Michigan.

Course: Applied Categorical Data Analysis.

Instructor: Daniel Powers.

2008 Survey Methodology and Quantitative Analysis Laboratory (Three Months). University of Michigan.

Course: Quantitative Data Analysis.

Instructor: Donald J. Treiman.

2007 Survey Methodology and Quantitative Analysis Laboratory (Three Months). University of Michigan.

Course 1: Linear Regression Analysis.

Instructor: Yu Xie.

Course 2: Hierarchical Linear Model.

Instructor: Stephen Raudenbush.

2006 Survey Methodology and Quantitative Analysis Laboratory (Three Months). University of Michigan.

Course 1: Introduction to Survey Research.

Instructor: Nora Cate Schaeffer.

Course 2: Methods of Survey Sampling.

Instructor: James Lepkowski.

2006 The World Poverty Measurement and Econometrics (Two Months), UNDP.


2023 Outstanding Achievement Award, Third International Federation of Chinese Medical Scientists and Psychologists.

2013 “New Century Excellent Talents in University” awarded in Ministry of Education (MOE), China (one of the 1000 winners out of 4.184 million national participants).

2013 Leader of the Second Batch of Youth Research and Innovation Team at Central University of Finance and Economics.

2015 “Top Academia Scholar with Yongjin” awarded in Central University of Finance and Economics (one of the 5 winners out of 2000 participants).

2012 “Top Supervisor on College Students’ Development” awarded in Central University of Finance and Economics (one of the 6 winners out of 2000 participants).

2011 “Excellent Capacity on Basic Teaching” awarded in Central University of Finance and Economics (one of the 20 winners out of 2000 participants).

2008 “Top Article of Demography” awarded for the 4th national demographer forum (one of the 6 winners out of 498 participants), China. Article: The Boy Preference of Contraceptive Methods Choice in China (in Chinese).

2007 “Future Demographer Award” from the UNFPA and the Chinese Population Association.

2006  “Excellent Article of Demography” awarded for the 2nd national demographer forum (one of the 3 winners out of 411 participants), China. Article: The Contracepitve Patters, Modes and Determinants in China (in Chinese).


Wang, Cuntong. (Dec. 2020). Combating COVID-19 in the Ageing Society: Lessons from China. Keynote Speech in the AFPPD 2020 Annual Meeting “Online Thematic Meeting on How to Cope with COVID-19 Pandemic in Ageing”, Online.

Wang, Cuntong and Liao, Tim Futing. (2016). The State Contraception Policy and Married Women’s Choice between Long-Acting and Short-Acting Contraception: Evidence from China 1979 – 2012 (in English). Presentation inthe PAA 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington.

Wang, Cuntong. (2016). The Longitudinal Impact of the Family Planning Policy on Induced Abortion: Evidence from China 1970-2012 (in English). Presentation in the PAA 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington.

Wang, Cuntong. (2012). Trends in Contraceptive Use and Determinants of Choice in China: 1980-2010 (in English). Poster Presented at PAA 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. May 3-5.

Wang, Cuntong. (2011). Factors in Neighborhood as Risks of Suicide in Rural China: A Multilevel Analysis (in English). Presentation in the 26th World Congress on Suicide Prevention of IASP, Beijing. Sep. 10-12.

Wang, Cuntong. (2010). Evaluation on the Effects of the Client-centered Contraceptive Policy on Induced Abortion in China (in Chinese). Presentation at the Annual Conference of Chinese Population Association, Nanjing. July 27-29.

Wang, Cuntong, et al. (2009). What have Contraceptive Patterns and Behaviors Changed under the Low Fertility Transition in China in 1988-2001 (in English)? Presentation at the 26th International Population Conference. Marrakech, Morocco from Sep. 27 to Oct. 2.

Wang, Cuntong. (2008). Boy Preference in Contraceptive Choice in China (in Chinese). Presentation at the 4th National Demographer Forum, Chengdu, China. Nov. 6.

Wang, Cuntong. (2007). Defence for T. R. Malthus (in Chinese). Presentation at the 3rd National Demographer Forum, Beijing, China. July 14.

Wang, Cuntong. (Oct. 2006). How to Reduce Health Inequality in China? Presentation in the Second International Health Promotion Conference, Beijing, China.

Wang, Cuntong. (Oct. 2006). Application of Longitudinal and Multilevel Models. Presentation in the International Demographic Methods Workshop, Beijing, China.

Wang, Cuntong. (July 2006): Analysis of Contraceptive Patterns, Levels, and Influencing Factors among Married Women of Childbearing Age in China, Second National Population Forum for Population Scholars, Beijing, China.

Wang, Cuntong. (October 2005): Patterns and Influencing Factors of Induced Abortions in China, First National Population Forum for Population Scholars, Beijing, China.


2024- Executive Director of the 7th Council, Chinese Society of Sexology.

2024- Chair of the 2nd Health Big Data Branch of the Chinese Society of Sexology Association.

2024- Chair of the Beijing Health Education Research Association.

2023- Director and Executive Director of the 6th Council, International Chinese Society for Sexual Health Research.

2022- Executive Editor of the 6th Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Sexology.

2022- Executive Editorial Board Member of the 6th Edition of the Chinese Journal of Sexology.

2021- Chair of the Health Big Data Branch of the Chinese Sexology Association.

2021- Vice President of the Beijing Health Education Research Association.

2021- Member of the Expert Group of the "Second Committee of Male Reproductive Health" of the National Health Commission.

2020- Vice Chairman of the Expert Committee of the Training and Certification Department of the Chinese Sexology Association.

2020- Member of the Youth Health Education Professional Committee of the Beijing Health Education Association.

2019- Vice Chairman of the 4th Committee of Adolescent Sexual Health Education of the Chinese Sexology Association.

2019- Expert of the China Red Ribbon Fund for HIV Prevention.

2018- Council Member of the 9th Council of the Chinese Population Association.

2018- Council Member of the 6th Council of the Chinese Sexology Association.

2018- Editorial Board Member of the 5th Edition of the Chinese Journal of Sexology.

2016- Executive Committee Member and Council Member of the 3rd Committee on Adolescent Sexual Health Education of the Chinese Sexology Association.

2016- Standing Committee of the Association of Youth Sexual Health Education (Chinese Sexology Association).

2014- Collaborative Research Fellow at University of Illinois.

2010- Member of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Expert Group on Social Science Quantitative Methods Training.

2010- Specially-appointed Professor for Social Science Methodology Training at Peking University.

2010- Journal Reviewer: Demography (in English), Sociological Methodology (in English), Medicine and Social Science (in English), Contraception (in English), Reproductive Health Matters (in English), Society (in Chinese), Sociology Research (in Chinese), Social Sciences in China (in Chinese), etc.

2009- Member of the Expert Group on Family Planning Innovation, National Population and Family Planning Commission of China.

2009- Member of the Expert Group, CP7 Reproductive Health & Family Planning Project, UNFPA & National Population and Family Planning Commission of China.

2006- Member, the Population Association of America (PAA).

2006- Member, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).

Latest Update: Jan. 8, 2025

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