Department of Sociology

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Li Guowu



Prof. Guowu Li    



Professor, Department of Sociology  

Dean, School of Sociology and Psychology  

Central University of Finance and Economics  


Innovation and its diffusion, Industrial cluster and regional development, Industrial governance and its change, Development of NGO in China, Oversea development of Chinese enterprises  


Ph. D. 2004.                Department of Sociology at Peking University  

Master Degree. 2001.         Department of Sociology at Jilin University  

Bachelor Degree. 1998.       Department of Sociology at Jilin University  


2004-        Full-time Faculty, Department of Sociology at CUFE  

2009-2010    Visiting Scholar, Duke University Asian/Pacific Studies Institute  


Li Guowu, and Chen Shuyu. 2015. The Capital-Labor Conflict under Party Politics in Host Country: Taking CNMC’s Experience in Zambia as an Example. The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute 5: 56-63.  

Li Guowu(2014). “Diffusion technologique et clusters de production en chine”, Laurence Roulleau-Berger & Liu Shiding(eds.). Sociologies Economiques Francaise et Chinoise: Regards Croises. ENS Editions.  

Li Guowu. 2014. Government Intervention, Interest Coalition, and Standards Competition: WAPI vs. Wi-Fi as an Example. Social Science Research 5: 28-36.  

Li Guowu, Deng Yuping, and Li Xueyan. 2014. Regional Demographic Structure and the Development of Social Organizations: Perspective of Social Demand Theory. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition 4: 136-145.  

Li Guowu, and Zhang chao. 2013. Resource Dependence, Government Control and the Leadership Composition of Boards of Social Associations: Empirical Study Based on Three Counties of Shandong Province. China Third Sector Research 5: 2-26.  

Wang Yong, and Li Guowu. 2012. Localization of Technological Diffusion and Industrial Agglomeration. Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics 3: 62-66.  

Li Guowu, and Li lu. 2011. Social Demand, Resources Supply, Institutional Transition and the Development of Civil Organizations: Based on Chinese Province-level Evidence. Chinese Journal of Sociology 31(6): 74-102.  

Li Guowu , and Hou Jiawei. 2011. The Tournament System and the Growth of Provincial Development Zones in China: Evidence from Provinces. Chinese Journal of Sociology 31(2): 42-72.  

Li Guowu. 2010. The Impact of Significant others on an Undergraduate’s Volunteering. Youth Studies 5: 1-11.  

Li Guowu. 2010. Relational Embeddedness and the Cooperative Behavior of Family Workshop: Based on Data from Qinghe. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition 4: 143-150.  

Li Guowu. 2010. Research on Organizations of Network Forms: Reviews and Prospects. Chinese Journal of Sociology 30(3): 199-225.  

Li Guowu. 2007. Trade Association in the Industrial Cluster: Why Exist and How Come into Being. Social Science Front 2: 42-48.  

Li Guowu. 2009. Technological Diffusion and Industrial Agglomeration. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House.  

Li Guowu, and Bao Shengyong (edited). 2015. A case study of overseas development of Chinese Enterprises. Jinan: Shandong people's publishing house.  

Liu Shiding, Liu Yuzhao, and Li Guowu (edited). 2014. Chinese Economic Sociology Research Vol.1. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.  

Liu Shiding, Li Guowu, and Zhang Xiang (edited). 2015. Chinese Economic Sociology Research Vol.2. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press.  

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