Xiuxiao Wang
ADDRESS: Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Psychology
Central University of Finance and Economics, China.
No. 39, South College Road, Haidian District,
Beijing, P. R. China 100081
MOBILE: (+86) 135-8175-7433 (China)
(+1) 650-996-0651 (U.S. 2016-2017 academic year)
EMAIL: wangxiuxiao@outlook.com
Visiting Scholar, The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, 2016.9-2017.8
Ph. D. Sociology, Renmin University of China, 2010
M. A. Sociology, Renmin University of China, 2007
B. A. Sociology, Hunan Normal University, P.R. China 2005
Sociology of Organization, Social Theory, Qualitative and Field Research Method,
Social Transition in Contemporary China, Danwei Study, Social Scientific Study of
Religion, Anthropology and China’s Overseas Development
2015 — Associate Professor
Department of Sociology, School of Sociology and Psychology,
Central University of Finance and Economics, P.R. China
2010 — 2015 Lecturer
Department of Sociology, School of Social Development,
Central University of Finance and Economics, P.R. China
2013 — Research Fellow
Center for Studies on China’s Overseas Development
Central University of Finance and Economics, P.R. China
2013 — Reviewer, Sociological Review of China
2015 Zilanshuhui(滋兰树蕙) Award for Outstanding Teachers, Central University of Finance and Economics.
2014 First Prize of Excellent Social Investigations for Young Scholars in Beijing Universities and Colleges, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education.
2014 & 2012 Excellent Undergraduate Tutor, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics.
2014 Outstanding Teacher, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics.
2012 First Prize of Excellent Student Paper, Ph.D. Forum of Politics and Public Administration, Peking University.
2006, 2007 & 2009 Outstanding Graduate Scholarship, Renmin University of China.
2005 First Prize of National Undergraduate Scholarship, Ministry of Education of China.
2015— Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Beijing Municipal Government, “Institutional Change and Innovation of Social Governance in Beijing Local Community”, Grant No.15SHB027.
2014— Annual Major Project Grant, Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education of China, “From Danwei to NGOs: Organizational Dynamics under Social Transition”(with Professor LI Lulu).
2013— Young Scholar Grant, National Social Science Foundation of China, “The Transition of Danwei Institution and the Consequences for Social Governance in Contemporary Urban China”, Grant No.13CSH085.
2012— Young Scholar Grant, Humanities and Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, “Market Transition and the Innovative Construction of Social Governance in Contemporary Urban China: A Study in the Transformation of Danwei Institution”, Grant No.12YJC840043.
2011— Young Talented Scholar Development Fund, Central University of Finance and Economic, “Market Transition and the Transformation of Danwei Institution: A Case Study on a State-Owned Enterprise”, Grant No.QBJZH201011.
2010-11 Construction Fund for Excellent Graduate Course, Graduate School of Central University of Finance and Economic, “Contemporary China: Economics and Society” (English-Taught Course for International Graduate Students).
2010-11 In-Depth Research in Contemporary China, Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences, Fudan University, “Market Transition and the Transformation of Authority Structure in a Danwei”.
2008-10 Research Fund for Graduate Students, Renmin University of China, “Neo-traditionalism and after: Institutional Transition and the Transformation of Authority Structure in a Danwei”.
ZHU Bin and WANG Xiuxiao, 2015. "Institutional Context, Labor Union Development and Employee Welfare in China's Private Enterprises "(in Chinese, "制度环境、工会建设与私营企业员工待遇", Comparative Economic & Social System(经济社会体制比较),No. 6.
MIAO Dalei, LI Lulu and WANG Xiuxiao, 2015. “The Operation of Institutions in Public Danwei and the National Grassroots Governance: Analysis on the Practice of Competition for the Middle-level Cadre Posts in M College”(in Chinese, “事业单位的制度运行与国家基层治理——基于M万泰中层干部竞聘上岗实践的分析”), Sociological Review of China(社会学评论), Vol 3, Issue 3.
WANG Xiuxiao and SUN Xiaoshu, 2015. “The Meaning System of Traditional Chinese Medicine and its Contemporary Social Construction: Taking Northeast Ginseng as an Example”(in Chinese, “中药意义系统与现代建构——以‘东北野山参’为例”), Ideological Front(思想战线), No. 1, Vol. 41.
SUN Xiaoshu and WANG Xiuxiao, 2013. “Research on the Change of Unprotected Sexual Behavior before and after the Awareness of HIV Infection among MSM”(in Chinese, “知晓感染HIV前后MSM人群不安全性行为改变研究”), Medical Science and Philosophy(医学与哲学), Vol. 34, No. 12A.
WANG Xiuxiao and ZHANG Ping, 2012. “Paradox and Dilemma: A New Institutional Analysis on the Crisis of Legitimacy of Voluntary Organizations ”(in Chinese, “悖论与困境:志愿者组织合法性问题分析”)🪩,Learning and Practice(学习与实践)👩🏿🎨,No.11.
HOU Jiawei,WANG Xiuxiao and ZHANG Yinfeng, 2011. “Aging Society in 21st Century China: Status and Trends”, Eastern Social Science. No.8.
LI Lulu, WANG Xiuxiao and MIAO Dalei, 2009. “Neo-traditionalism and after: Danwei Institution and its Contemporary Change”(in Chinese, “新传统主义及其后——‘单位制’的视角和分析”), Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition(吉林大学社会科学学报)🧑🎨,Vol. 49, No.6.
LI Lulu, MIAO Dalei and WANG Xiuxiao, 2009. “Market Transition and the Change of Danwei: Danwei Studies Revisited”(in Chinese, “市场转型与‘单位’变迁——再论‘单位’研究”), Chinese Journal of Sociology(社会), Vol. 29, No.4. Reprinted by Chinese Social Science Digest(中国社会科学文摘,全文转载),No.71.
CHEN Chengwen and WANG Xiuxiao, 2004. “Human Capital, Social Capital and Migrant Rural Workers’ Job Hunting”(in Chinese, “人力资本🌒、社会资本对城市农民工就业的影响”), Academia Bimestrie (学海), No.6.
SUN Xiaoshu and WANG Xiuxiao, 2015. The In-Group Differentiation of Christians: the Interaction between Subject and Object of Classification in a Northeast Church(in Chinese,基督教的内群分化🙋🏻♀️:分类主客体的互动). Taipei: Hua-Mu-Lan Culture Publishing Company.
XIN Zhiyong, HOU Jiawei and WANG Xiuxiao, 2013. “Value and Orientation of New Generation of Rural Migrant Workers in Beijing”(in Chinese, “北京市新生代农民工价值取向研究报告”), in An Analysis of Social Mentality in Beijing(2012-2013)(in Chinese, “2012—2013年度北京社会心态分析报告”), edited by Beijing Institute of Social Psychology, Beijing: Beijing Press.
WANG Xiuxiao, 2012. “Enterprise and Market”(in Chinese, “企业与市场”)𓀒,Chapter 6, inEnterprise Sociology, edited by WANG Jichao, Beijing: Renmin University of China Press.
WANG Xiuxiao and HUANG Jianbo, 2009. “Theory of Practice” (in Chinese, “实践理论”) , in Modern Ethnology, edited by ZHOU Guangda, Kunming: Yunnan People’s Press.
LI Lulu, MIAO Dalei and WANG Xiuxiao, 2009. “The Construction and Cultivation of People’s Livelihood: Challenges and Opportunities”, in Renmin University Annual Report on China’s Development (2008). Beijing: Renmin University Press.
LI Lulu, WANG Xiuxiao and MIAO Dalei, 2008. “Energy Conservation, Emission Reduction and Sustainable Social Development: a Consideration in Institutional and Cultural Aspects of Economic Growth”, in Renmin University Annual Report on China Development (2007). Beijing: Renmin University Press.
WANG Xiuxiao, 20 December 2015. "Innovation or Distraction? Diversification Strategy of a State-Owned Enterprise"( in Chinese, 组织创新,还是不务正业?——一家国有企业的多种经营活动),Annual Conference of School of Social Development at Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing.
WANG Xiuxiao, 12 July 2015."Institutional Transition and Labor Discipline in a State-Owned Enterprise "( in Chinese, 制度变迁与一家国有企业的劳动纪律)🦹🏿♀️,Session on Sociology of Labor, 2015 Annual Proceedings of Chinese Sociological Association, Central South University, Changsha.
HUANG Zhenwei and WANG Xiuxiao, 22 September 2014. “Administrative Division under New Urbanization in Contemporary China”( in Chinese, 当前城镇型政区实证量化及新型城镇化背景下设市设区标准研究), Symposium on Implementing New Urbanization, Ministry of Civil Affairs of China, Hangzhou.
WANG Xiuxiao, 9 August 2014. “The Organizational Mechanism of NGOs’ Innovation: Based on a Social Survey in Haidian District, Beijing”( in Chinese, 社会组织的创新基础与机制探索—— 以北京海淀社区社会组织为例), Seminar on Empirical Study on Social Innovation, Center for Comparative Politics and Economics, The Central Translation Bureau, Beijing.
WANG Xiuxiao, 20 May 2014, “Predicaments and Countermeasures of Chinese Urban
Community Services for the Aged: Based on a Social Survey in Haidian District,
Beijing”( in Chinese, 中国城市社区养老的困境与出路—— 以北京市海淀区为例), China-Japan Comparative Study on Community Welfare Ideology, Institute of Urban Studies, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences.
WANG Xiuxiao, 16 April 2013. “How is a Harmonious Community Possible?” (in Chinese, 社区和谐何以可能👪?), Post-Doctoral Forum on Ecology of NGOs in Contemporary Urban China, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences.
WANG Xiuxiao, 15 December 2012. “Society: a Key Concept Revisited”( in Chinese, “社会”❌:一个关键概念的考察和再思), Annual Conference, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics.
MIAO Dalei and WANG Xiuxiao, 13 July 2012. “Institutional Change and the Power Structure in Shiye Danwei: a case study of Cadre Selection and Promotion in M College”( in Chinese, 制度变迁与事业单位的权力结构——基于干部选拔与晋升的案例研究), the 9th Workshop on Empirical Study in Sociology of Organization, Strategic Institute for Social Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
WANG Xiuxiao,12 July 2012. “Danwei Institution, Social Transition and State Governance: Labor Discipline in a State-Owned Enterprise”( in Chinese, 单位体制🧓、社会转型与国家治理—— 一家国有企业的劳动纪律), Ph.D. Forum of Politics and Public Administration, Peking University.
WANG Xiuxiao, 17 December 2011. “From Self-identity to Coercion: Labor Discipline and Internal Order Structure in a State-Owned Enterprise”( in Chinese, 从认同到强制🏋🏽🦋:一家国有企业的劳动纪律和内部秩序), Annual Conference, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics.
WANG Xiuxiao, 10 November 2011. “Labor Discipline and Internal Order Structure in a Danwei Organization”( in Chinese, 单位组织的劳动纪律与内部秩序), Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Symposium on Case Study in Organizational Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan.
MIAO Dalei and WANG Xiuxiao, 8 July 2011. “The Institutional Logic of Organizational Differentiation: the Transition of Income Distribution Policy in a Shiye Danwei”( in Chinese, 体制内分化的制度逻辑——以一家事业单位的收入分配制度变迁为例), the 8th Workshop on Empirical Study in Sociology of Organization, Jilin University, Changchun.
WANG Xiuxiao, 9 March 2011. “The Last Supper? the Politics of Housing Distribution in a State-Owned Enterprise” (in Chinese, 最后的晚餐?一家国有企业的分房政治—— 以“单位”研究为视角), Bi-weekly Academic Salon,School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics.
WANG Xiuxiao, 25 December 2010. “The Last Supper? the Politics of Housing Distribution in a State-Owned Enterprise” (in Chinese, 最后的晚餐?一家国有企业的分房政治), Annual Conference, School of Social Development, Central University of Finance and Economics.
WANG Xiuxiao, 10 December 2010. “The Politics of Housing Distribution in a State-Owned Enterprise”( in Chinese, 一家国有企业的分房政治), Case Study Workshop on Organizational Science, School of Sociology and Social Work, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.
WANG Xiuxiao, 15 July 2010. “From Self-identity to Coercion: Market Transition and Labor Discipline in a State-Owned Enterprise”( in Chinese, 从认同到强制🦁:市场转型与国企内部劳动控制的变迁——以“单位”研究为视角), the 7th Workshop on Empirical Study in Sociology of Organization, Shanghai University, Shanghai.
MIAO Dalei and WANG Xiuxiao, 15 July 2010. “Competing for the Middle-level Cadre Posts in M College: Danwei Politics under Transition”( in Chinese, 事业单位改革下的单位政治——以M万泰处级干部竞聘为例), the 7th Workshop on Empirical Study in Sociology of Organization, Shanghai University, Shanghai.
WANG Xiuxiao and MIAO Dalei, 11 July 2009. “The Last Supper? the Politics of Housing Distribution in a State-Owned Enterprise” (in Chinese, 最后的晚餐?一家国有企业的分房政治), the 6th Workshop on Empirical Study in Sociology of Organization, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan.
SUN Xiaoshu and WANG Xiuxiao, 22 July 2009. “Faith, Diverse Spaces and Village Commune: an Anthropological Investigation of a Temple Fair in Dingzhou, Hebei Province”( in Chinese, 信仰👨🏽🦳、多元空间与村落共同体——河北定州庙会的人类学观察), Section on Religion and Media, the 16th World Congress of Anthropology and Ethnology, Kunming.