Sibo Zhao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
39 south college road, haidian district
beijing, 100081
State University of New York at Buffalo
Ph.D. in Sociology, 2015
Dissertation: “Changes in Parental Time with Children in China from 2004 to 2011”
Committee: Kristen Schultz Lee (Chair), Robert L. Wagmiller, Debra Street
Central University of Finance & Economics (China)
M.A. in Sociology, 2011
Title: “A Critical Review on Individualism & Collectivism between Chinese and Americans”
B.A. in Sociology, 2009
Household Finance; Financial Health; Mental Health and Gender Inequality; Social Statistics.
Sibo Zhao (2018). Child Care Time in China, 2004-2011: Time Trends, Regional Variation, and Gender Inequality. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
Kristen Schultz Lee, Julie E. Artis, Yaqi Yuan, & Sibo Zhao (2022). Family structure and children’s cognitive development, Families, Relationships and Societies, 11(3), 412-431.
Sibo Zhao, Jie Zhang, Lisu Peng, &Wenhui Yang (2021). Mental Health Outcomes among Chinese College Students over a Decade, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 12742
Sibo Zhao & Li Peng, (2021) Feeling matters: perceived social support moderates the relationship between personal relative deprivation and depressive symptoms. BMC Psychiatry, 21(345),1-10.
Sibo Zhao, Yanwen Li, Yonggang Su, & Long Sun (2021). Reliability and Validity of the Chinese General Social Capital Scale and Its Effect on Physical Disease and Psychological Distress among Chinese Medical Professionals, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6635),1-13.
Sibo Zhao (2020).Gender in Families: A Comparison of the Gendered Division of Child Care in Rural and Urban China. Child&Youth Care Forum, 4949(4), 511-531.
Sibo Zhao, Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Ji, H., & Lew, B. (2020). The Association Between Psychological Strainsand Life Satisfaction: Evidence From Medical Staffin China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260, 105-110.
Sibo Zhao & Jie Zhang (2020). Can Perception Be Altered By Changeof Reference? A Test of The Social Reference Theory Utilizing College Students’ Judgments of Attractiveness. The Journal of GeneralPsychology, 1-16.
Liu, Yanzheng, Jie Zhang, David Hennessy, Sibo Zhao, & Haoyi Ji (2019). Psychological Strains, Depressive Symptoms,and Suicidal Ideationamong Medicaland Non-Medical Staff in Urban China.Journal of Affective Disorders, 245, 22-27.
Jie Zhang, Dwight Hennessy, Hang Hu, Sibo Zhao, &Yiwen Zhang (2019). Digital Media and Depressive Symptoms among Chinese Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study. Heliyon. 5(5), e01554
Lin Lin, Sibo Zhao, &Jie Zhang (2018). Impulsivity Kills Some Who Did Not Plan to Die by Suicide: Evidence From Chinese Rural Youths. Omega-Journal of Death and Dying,79(4) 446-460.
Sibo Zhao & Jie Zhang (2018). The Association Between Depression, Suicidal Ideation and Psychological Strains in College Students: A Cross-National Study. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 42: 914-928.
Sibo Zhao & Yiyue Guo (2018). The effects of mother's education on college student's depression level: The role of family function. Psychiatry research, 269: 108-114.
Sibo Zhao (2018). Changes in Parental Time with Children in China, 2004–2011. Journal of Family History, 43(2), 204-222.
Sibo Zhao (2018). Changes in women’s and men’s child care time in China, 2004–2011: the contributions of cohort replacement and intra-cohort change. Quality & Quantity, 52(3), 1275-1289.
Yanzheng Liu, Jie Zhang, Long Sun, & Sibo Zhao (2018). The age-specific characteristics of medically serious suicide attempters aged 15–45 years in rural China. Psychiatry research, 261, 178-185.
Jie Zhang, Sibo Zhao, & Juan Liu (2017) Does Believing in a Religion Relate to Individuals’ Mental Health? An Initial Study among Chinese College Students. International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, 4: 200.
Sibo Zhao & Jie Zhang (2015). Suicide risks among adolescents and young adults in rural China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(1), 131-145.
Jie Zhang, Sibo Zhao, David Lester, & Chengchao Zhou. (2014). Life satisfaction and its correlates among college students in China: A test of social reference theory. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 10, 17-20.
Jie Zhang Zhang, & Sibo Zhao (2013). Effects of value strains on psychopathology of Chinese rural youths. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 6(6), 510-514.
Jie Zhang, David Lester, Sibo Zhao, & Chengchao Zhou. (2013). Suicidal ideation and its correlates: testing the interpersonal theory of suicide in Chinese students. Archives of Suicide Research, 17(3), 236-241.
Jie Zhang, Juncheng Lu, Sibo Zhao, et al. (2012). Developing the Psychological Strain Scales (PSS): Reliability, Validity, and Preliminary Hypothesis Tests. Social Indicators Research, 1-25.
赵思博,林琳,刘静文,(2022)独生与非独生子女大学生生活满意度的差异😷⛹🏿♂️:基于倾向值匹配的分析. 心理技术与应用,10(04):229-237.
赵思博,杨璐忻,(2022)大学生心理危机状态及防控研究. 北京教育(高教),(04),59-61.
赵思博🧕,艾云🧏♂️,张婷婷,(2022)风险态度🈷️、借贷参与和创业活动研究 ——基于2015年中国家庭金融调查的实证分析.社会学评论,10(1),219-237
艾云🧑⚖️,赵思博,李祥🏄🏽,(2021)数字鸿沟背景下金融素养的世代差异研究 ———一个链式多重中介效应分析.东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版),23(5),68-78
赵思博,丁志宏 (2021)我国新生代已婚流动育龄妇女避孕方式的选择及其影响因素.中国卫生统计,38(5),750-752
艾云,赵思博,丁冉冉 (2020). 城乡居民借贷用途与借贷渠道的差异及其影响因素研究——基于2013年中国家庭金融调查的经验证据.金融与社会,1,228-248
赵思博,马琳琳,张奕雯,杨文慧 (2019). 科研项目式教学方法与创新能力培养模式在社会学专业教学中的应用研究. 教育现代化, 6(77),191-194
林琳, 莫娟婵, 王晨旭, 刘扬, 曲舸征, 赵思博, 贾绪计 (2017). 冲动性和大学生自伤行为的关系: 一个有调节的中介模型.心理与行为研究, 15(6), 824-832.
2023-2026 Grant from National Social Science Fund (22BSH064)
2019-2022 Grant from Beijing Social Science Fund (19SRC013)
2018-2019 Teaching and Educational Reform Fund from Central University of Finance and Economics (2018GRYBJG07)
2017-2018 Grant from Beijing Natural Science Foundation (9174046)
2012-2013 Research Assistant, Center for Development of Human Services Graduate Researcher Project, University at Buffalo
2019 The second prize of the Central University of Finance and Economics Teachers' Basic Skills Competition
2017 Chinese Social Psychology Annual Conference Paper Award. Chinese Social Psychology Association.
2014 Dissertation Fellowship Awards. College of Arts and Sciences, University at Buffalo.
2014 Nathalie D. Howe Graduate Student Paper Award. Department of Sociology, University at Buffalo.
2010 Visiting Scholar at Buffalo State, funded by China Scholarship Council.
Basic Statistics for Social Science (University at Buffalo)
Social Statistics (Buffalo State College)
Social Problems (Buffalo State College)
Introduction of Sociology (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Medical Sociology (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Sociology of Population (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Advanced Social Statistics (Central University of Finance and Economics)