Department of Psychology

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Weng Xuedong


Weng Xuedong

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 1966/08/21

Working place: School of Sociology and Psychology in Central University of Finance and Economics 100081

Address: 39th xue yuan nan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

Mobile: (86-) 15810105895


Positions Held

Lecturer of Psychology, Moral Teaching Department, Central University of Finance and Economics, 1992-1994

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Psychology Department, Central University of Finance and Economics, 1994-2005

Associate Professor of Psychology, Psychology Department, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2005-


M.S. in Psychology, Beijing University, Beijing, China, 1992

B.S. in Education, HeFei College, HeFei, China, 1985


Economic psychology

Investing psychology


Weng Xuedong (1992) “What Locus of Control is all about in China: from an indigenous point of view” Collection of Chinese Social Psychology Research, Hong Kong Contemporary Culture Publishing House.

Weng Xuedong (1993) “The Relationship Among Psychological Reactance, Locus of Control, Self-Monitoring and Situational Pressure” Journal of Social Psychology Research, 14(2):12-20

Weng Xuedong(1994) “The Development of Social Learning Theory and Researches of Locus of Control” Journal of Social Psychology Research, 17(1):47-53

Weng Xuedong (2003)“The Progress of Investing Psychology Theories of American”Advances in Psychological Science 11(3): 262-266

Weng Xuedong (2005) “Security Investment Psychology” Economic Science Press

Wu Meng, Weng Xuedong, Sun Ling(2013)“The Effect of Self-efficacy on Gamblers’ Fallacy”Journal of Psychological Science, 36(1): 175-182

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