Dou Donghui
Associated Professor of School of Sociology and Psychology at Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China.
Current Research and Interests
Psychology of Artificial Intelligence
Economic decision--making
Socioecological psychology
PHD, Institute of Developmental Psychology, School of Psychology , Beijing Normal University
MA, Institute of Developmental Psychology, School of Psychology , Beijing Normal University
BS, School of Economics and Management, Xingjiang University
Positions Held
CUFE since 2011
2009-2011, Post-doctor , Department of Psychology , Tsinghua University
Research Project
Gender and quantity: fertility intentions of Chinese people since1980. Projects supported by National Social Science Foundation, 2014-
Sociometric status and aggressive behavior in college domitories. Projects supported by Beijing Social Science Foundation, 2013-
Selected Paper & Publications
Xu, Ke, Geng , Donghui Dou, and Xiaocen Liu. (2023). Relations between Video Game Engagement and Social Development in Children: The Mediating Role of Executive Function and Age-Related Moderation. Behavioral Sciences, 13(10),833.
Liu Xiaocen, He Qi, Dou Donghui. (2021). The Effects of Two-Player Cooperative Video/Traditional Games on Peer Communication and the Prosocial Behavior of Young Children. Journal of Psychological Science(China),44(3),567-574.
Liu, X. , Huang, H. , Qu, F. , & Dou, D. . (2021). The Foundations and Frontiers of Research on the Effect of Video Games on Child Development: A Scientometrics and Knowledge-Mapping Analysis Based on CiteSpace. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Games.
Liu X , Huang H Yu, K & Dou D. (2020). Can Video Game Training Improvethe Two-Dimensional Mental Rotation Ability of Young Children? A Randomized Controlled Trial. HCI in Games, 305–317.
Yue ZHANG,2, Donghui DOU*,Ziqiang XIN.(2017).The effect of construal levels on self-control.Advances in Psychological Science ,26(10), 1878 - 1889.
Silin Huang, Jiawei Hou, Ling Sun, Donghui Dou, Xia Liu & Hongchuan Zhang(2018).The Effects of Objective and Subjective Socioeconomic Status on Subjective Well-Being among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China: The Moderating Role of Subjective Social Mobility. Frontiers in Psychology,8.
Dou D.,Luo MM.,Liu XC.(2017) Internet trolls: evolution process, generation mechanism and intervention path. Modern Communication(China),10,138-154.
Dou D.,et al..(2015). Embodied Economics: A New Approach to Exploring Economic Psychology and Behaviors. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences) (China) 🥹,1,67-76.
Li Dong, Chongde Lin, Tsingan Li, Donghui Dou, and Liqing Zhou(2015). The Relationship Between Cultural Identity and Self-esteem Among Chinese Uyghur College Students: The Mediating Role of Acculturation Attitudes. Psychological Report, 117(1), 302-318.
Dou D, et al.,(2014) Socioecological Psychology: A New Approach to Relationship between Individual and Environment, Journal of Beijing Normal University(China),5,43-54.
Dou D., Liu X., Zhang Y. (2014). Babyface Effect: Babyface Preference and Overgeneralization. Advances in Psychological Science(China), 22( 5), 760–771
ZHANG Mei, HUANG Silin, SUN ling, and DOU Donghui(2018). The Impact of Belief in a Just World on College Students' Academic Achievement: The Explanation of Time Management. Psychological Development and Education, 34(3): 330-337.
HU Shengnan, CHENG Zhijuan, DOU Donghui, ZHANG Hongchuan, and WENG Xuedong (2018). The Influence of Other's Positive Emotion on Vicarious Self-control Restoration: The Moderation Effect of Interpersonal Sensitivity. Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 16(1): 45-50.
DOU Donghui, BU Nan and FAN Meng (2017). Relationship Between Dormitory Sociometric Status and Aggressiveness Among College Students. Psychology: Techniques and Application, 5(7): 420-426.
YE Hexu, CHENG Jing, and DOU Donghui (2017). Uselessness Makes Usefulness: How Ritual Behavior Influences Consumer Behavior. Psychology: Techniques and Application, 5(6)341-352.
SUN Ling, NING Caifang, HUANG Silin, DOU Donghui, ZHANG Hongchuan and ZHANG Mei (2015). Goal Striving and Hopelessness in The College-to-career Transition: The Role of Gender and Social Support. Psychological Development and Education, 31(4): 451-458.
HUANG Silin, HOU Jiawei, ZHANG Mei, XIN Ziqiang, ZHANG Hongchuan, SUN Ling, DOU Donghui. (2015). A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Changes in Chinese Migrant Workers’ Mental Health: 1995~2011. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(4), 466-477.
Economic Psychology.(2019)
Gestalt Therapy: 100 Key Points& Techniques. Ed. 2. Translated book(20).
Gestalt Therapy: 100 Key Points& Techniques. Ed. 1. Translated book(20).
How to think straight about psychology, Ed. 8. Translated book. (2012)
How to think straight about psychology, Ed. 9.Translated book. (2014)
How to think straight about psychology, Ed. 10. Translated book. (2015)
External Service and Assignments
Consultant editors, Psychology: Techoniques and Applications[J]
Reviewer, Journal of Psychology[J] (China)
Reviewer, Advances in Psychological Science[J] (China)
Reviewer, Psychological Science[J] (China)